Life has been busy busy around the Bee-hive. We are getting ready for Bugg's birthday which is then followed by Bee's birthday and then we have Christmas. Bugg's birthday is going to be great this year. We are having family and friends over to My Parents place (simply due to size) and going to have a BBQ. I can't believe our baby is turning 2. My how time flies.
Bugg also got his first haircut last night. He has never had one in his almost 2 years on this earth. I was the force behind that as I loved his curls, but last night Uncle Junior was over to get his hair cut and Bugg wanted his done afterwards, so Bee went ahead and cut it for him. I put a before/after picture. In the before picture you will notice that Bugg decided he wanted to look like Mum and Dad with some tattoos , so he tattooed himself with a marker that he got out of his moms school bag. Yes folks he can do zippers and velcro now.
The older boys were home this past weekend and with them they brought the Mini Stick invasion. I was shocked that kids still play with those things. I had to get sticks for Bugg and I. They even have carpet pucks now, too cool! Bugg and I have been playing in the mornings, my does he ever have a wicked shot. This year is the year for skates and then hopefully he will start playing next winter. I can't wait to be a rink Dad.
I have been watching a ton of British stand up lately. I think I love it because its just so crude by North American standards. Watching them really does make me feel better about my potty mouth. If you have time to kill on youtube try searching : Jimmy Carr, Frankie Boyle, Bill Bailey. I am also a huge fan of the Black Adder (I own all four seasons) and the classic Monty Python. I find myself watching at least one of the MP movies every week. Funny Stuffs forsure.