To say I am disappointed would be an understatement. I just don't understand how this guy and his policies get elected into office again. Yes it is a minority government , so he will need the support of the other parties to get anything passed. Have you ever watched
CPAC? All they do is hurl insults back and forth at each other talking about who did what in the past. What about the future folks. You know the future, its what our children will
inherit from us?? How can we as a country elect in someone who has no concern for the environment (Hello Alberta
tarsands) and only wants to cut taxes by cutting social programs so we have the money from our tax cuts to pay for those services. Its bollocks. One other note that really upset me. Bee and I watched Rick
Mercer last night and he was on Jack Layton (leader of the federal
NDP) plane. They were serving lobster just as everyone got on and drinking some nice cold
keiths. I love lobster and beer as much as the next guy but honestly Jack , do you think that is the best way to spend our taxpayers dollars? How about you and your staff eat some week old bread and can of beans like the poor in Canada do
everynight and give the rest of your food budget to a worthy cause. To help those
Canadians you say you so badly want to. Disappointed to say the least.
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