It seems we must have gotten a wind storm last night from the looks of things on our walk to daycare today. Colin was running thru the fallen leaves and puddles (reminder to Dad to put on his rubber boots next time) I love to watch him discover new things. He loved the colours on the leaves and gave me this one. I only had my phone with me so the camera isn't the greatest but it still showcases the moment. I can't believe Thanksgiving is here. I still think we celebrate the holiday too early here but it does follow the traditional harvest more than the American holiday (theres no way you would be harvesting in November) I am going to make some sweet sweet love to some turkey this weekend. We are also planning on stopping in at the Zoo since we'll be in the Peter Patch for dinner Saturday. Bee and Colin have never been to the Zoo there so it should be fun. They don't have too many animals but they do have Mirror Cats, and to this big kid thats all that matters. I'll be sure to take lots of photos.
what a sweet boy! we need to get that kid some mountaineer apparel!
Apparel more than welcome. In fact I am going to need to get some new mountaineer apparel, my hoodie has about bit the dust. On another note he was wearing his leafs gear while watching them defeat the Red Wings last night!
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