Tuesday, October 14, 2008

October 14th.


First and foremost. Get out and vote today. You owe it to yourself and to your country. Those that choose not to participate waive their right to complain. I would never do that, lol.

So now here some pictures of Blue, our new family dog. She is a Cane Corso and an awesome rare breed of dog. Listens well and is easily fitting in around here. I just finished sharing the couch with her for a short nap. We introduced her to Waldo , Mom and Dads hyper lab and they get along great barring the fact that Waldo kinda likes Blue in a hetrosexual kinda way... I was so happy the dogs got along. Dinner at Mom and Dads was excellent as per usual and a nice way to end the Thanksgiving Holidays, my only regret is that my brother and sister in law don't live any closer. I miss Drew and our always stimulating conversation over dinner, altho I am sure others don't miss listening to us. I did get the chance to talk to him yesterday. He is recovering from having a hernia repaired and seems to be doing alright. I am sure his woman is taking good care of him and I could hear my only nephew making noises in the background. I am sure the next time I see him he will be a walking, babbling, little man. Did I mention I wished they lived closer, lol.

I can't wait for the poles to close and to be glued to a tv screen for most of the evening. Will we have a new PM??

Off I go to clean up the house.

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